George Blasse Award

George Blasse Young Investigator Award

During the ICL meeting in 2021 in Changchun the George Blasse Young Investigator Award was announced in honour of professor George Blasse who passed away in December 2020 and to honour excellent young researchers in the field of luminescence. The award aims to recognize young scientists (under 40 years) who have made highly innovative contributions related to luminescence phenomena and luminescent materials and are active within the ICL community. Starting in 2023, at every ICL meeting two awards will be presented. This will help to give extra stimulus to young group leaders in the field of luminescence and serve as a clear recognition of the high quality of their work. The award will consist of a plaque along with cash award. The award winners will present their work in talks during the George Blasse Young Investigator Award session at the ICL conference. 

Guidelines for nominations

Young researchers under the age of 40 (born after 01-01-1983) are eligible. Please submit a single-page summary that describes the accomplishments of the candidate and why these accomplishments merit the George Blasse Young Investigator Award. The summary will be used by the Prize Committee in making their selection and should clearly outline the innovative character of the research, the independent contributions of the candidate, the connections with the ICL community, and the future potential of the young research group of the candidate. In addition, the candidate's curriculum vitae should be supplied so that the Prize Committee is aware of the publications, patents, honours, awards, and other information that can be significant in making the selection.

Please send the nominations to Prof. Daniel Jaque, chairman of the ICL International Advisory Board, and Prof. Georges Boulon, chairman of the ICL prize committee, before June 15th, 2023.



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